Candle No.01

* 3 Color Change
* Flame On/Off

Chair No.07




* OriginalAnimation 6 Type
  Touch to change "Seat"
* [Color Change]        - 4Color type only -
  Touch to change "Back"

* Change animation [Everyone]
* Color Chnage (4ColorPackONLY)  [Owner]
* Shadow On/Off [Owner]
* Animation Priority  [ 3 ]

Table No.15

1.Color Change
   White / BrownGlass / Black / Green / Red / Silver
2.Shape Change
   1m / 0.7m / 0.5m
3. Shadow
       On / Off

* Color Chnage [Owner]
* Size Chnage [Owner]
* Shadow [Owner]

It comes to match a standard of the Counter01 series.

Counter No.01

 * White / BrownGlass / Black / Green / Red / Silver
 * Steps, walls, can change their color
2.Size Change
 * 1m / 2m / 3m / 4m / 5m
 * To the size and adjust the texture
3. Shadow On / Off

* Size Change [Owner]
* Color Chnage [Owner]

 * White / BrownGlass / Black / Green / Red / Silver
 * 1/2 / 1/4  / 3/4
3. Shadow On / Off

* Size Change [Owner]
* Color Chnage [Owner]

 * White / BrownGlass / Black / Green / Red / Silver
 * Steps, walls, can change their color
2.Size Change
 * 1m / 2m / 3m / 4m / 5m
 * To the size and adjust the texture
3. Shadow On / Off

* Size Change [Owner]
* Color Chnage [Owner]

Combination of size and shape of the counter like myself

Sofa No.10 TwoSeater

1.Cusion Color
   Touch to change "Cusion "
2.Sit Position

3.Original Animation
  Touch to change "Seat"    

* Change animation [Everyone]
* Cushion Color Chnage  [Owner]

Sofa No.10 OneSeater

1. Cushion Color Change
  Touch to change "Cushion"


  Touch to change "Seat"

* Change animation [Everyone]
* Color Chnage (Cushion)  [Owner]

Sofa No.10 Stool

1.Sit Position

  Touch to change "Seat"

* Change animation [Everyone]

FallenTree No.01

 Change for each season grass
 Color Change
Light ON/OFF
 「*」= Particles On
 "eye movement" ON / OFF

* Sit Prims
Cushion / Tree
* Flower Touch
  With sound effects, particles from the flowers is executed
* eyes
Touch and sound effects
* Basket
  No Link

* DialogMenu [Owner]
* Change animation [Everyone]
* (eyes/Flower) evnt [Everyone]

CeilingFan No.02

CeilingFan No.02

 1. Fan Rotation
      Right / Left / OFF
 2. LightGLOW
      0.10 / 0.20 / OFF
 3. Shadow On /Off
 4. Size Change
         [Reset]   When you return to the status of the Rez

 Script [Owner]